En lite festligare sockerkaka med chokladganache. Jag använde en rund springform för att grädda kakan i men det går bra att använda en avlång form eller en rund ihålig form. Håll då bara koll på gräddningstiden. Du kan även dela kakan på mitten och sätta ganache i mitten av kakan.
165 gram smör, rumstempererat
2,4 dl strösocker
3 ägg, rumstempererade
3 dl vetemjöl
1,2 dl mandelmjöl
1 tsk bakpulver
1 tsk vaniljsocker
1,2 dl grädde
2 msk kakao
2 msk kakao
Förvärm ugnen till 160° C. Smörj en springform, 18 cm diameter. Rita av botten på ett bakplåtspapper och klipp ut cirkeln, lägg den i botten av springformen.
Blanda alla torra ingredienser i en skål, förutom kakaon, blanda så att det inte är några klumpar.
Blanda smör och strösocker i en annan skål, vispa samman det. Blanda ner äggen, rör om hela tiden så att det blir ordentligt blandat.
Rör ned mjölblandningen eftersom med en slev, se till att det blir en jämn smet. Sist blandas grädden i. När smeten är färdigblandad ta ut 2,4 dl av smeten och sätt den i en annan skål. Sikta ned kakaon i den smeten och blanda det väl.
För över de två olika kaksmetarna i spritsformar. Sprita den ljusa blandningen så att det täcker hela botten. Sprita sedan kakaoblandningen i små cirklar. Spritsa sedan den ljusa blandningen så att allt täcks, och sedan igen kakaon. Sist sprita den ljusa blandningen så att allt täcks.
Grädda kakan i nedre delen av ugnen i cirka en timme, kolla av med en sticka så att kakan är färdig.
Ta ut kakan och låt den svalna.
200 gram mjölkchoklad
1,2 dl grädde
Hacka chokladen och smält den tillsammans med grädden i en kastrull. Häll över chokladblandningen i en kanna och ställ den i kylskåpet. Låt den stå där i cirka en timme.
Täck sedan kakan med ganachen och bred ut den, antingen så att det blir riktigt slätt eller mönstrat eller som du själv vill. Dekorera ytterligare om du vill.
Ställ in kakan i kylen och låt den stå där i minst två timmar innan den skärs upp.
A little more festive sponge cake with chokladganache. I used a round spring form to bake the cake in but it's fine to use an oblong shape or round bundt form. If you use another form keep track of the baking time. You can also share the cake in half and put ganache in the middle of the cake.
A little more festive sponge cake with chokladganache. I used a round spring form to bake the cake in but it's fine to use an oblong shape or round bundt form. If you use another form keep track of the baking time. You can also share the cake in half and put ganache in the middle of the cake.
165 grams butter, room temperature
1 cup granulated sugar
3 eggs, room temperature
1 1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup almond flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 tbsp cocoa powder
Preheat oven to 320° F. Grease a spring form, 7 inches diameter. Draw the bottom at a parchament paper and cut out the circle, place it in the bottom of the spring form.
Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl except the cocoa, mix so that there are no lumps.
Mix the butter and sugar in another bowl, whisk together. Whisk in the eggs, stirring constantly so that it is properly mixed.
Stir in flour mixture with a ladle, ensure that it becomes a smooth paste. Finally, mix in the cream.
When the batter is mixed charge 1 cup of the batter and place it in another bowl. Sift the cocoa into the batter and stir in the cocoa.
For over the two different batters in piping bags. Pipe the vanilla batter so that it covers the entire bottom. Then pipe the cacao batter in small circles. Then pipe again the vanilla batter so everything is covered, and then again with the cocoa. Finally, pipe the vanilla batter så everything is covered.
Bake the cake in the bottom of the oven for about an hour, check with a stick so that the cake is ready. Remove the cake and let it cool.
200 grams of milk chocolate
1/2 cup heavy cream
Chop the chocolate and melt it with the cream in a saucepan. Pour the chocolate mixture into a can and place in the refrigerator. Let it stand there for about an hour.
Then cover the cake with the ganache and spread it out, make it quite plain or patterned, or as you wish. Decorate more if you want.
Set the cake in the refrigerator and let it stand for at least two hours before being cut up.
165 grams butter, room temperature
1 cup granulated sugar
3 eggs, room temperature
1 1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup almond flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 tbsp cocoa powder
Preheat oven to 320° F. Grease a spring form, 7 inches diameter. Draw the bottom at a parchament paper and cut out the circle, place it in the bottom of the spring form.
Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl except the cocoa, mix so that there are no lumps.
Mix the butter and sugar in another bowl, whisk together. Whisk in the eggs, stirring constantly so that it is properly mixed.
Stir in flour mixture with a ladle, ensure that it becomes a smooth paste. Finally, mix in the cream.
When the batter is mixed charge 1 cup of the batter and place it in another bowl. Sift the cocoa into the batter and stir in the cocoa.
For over the two different batters in piping bags. Pipe the vanilla batter so that it covers the entire bottom. Then pipe the cacao batter in small circles. Then pipe again the vanilla batter so everything is covered, and then again with the cocoa. Finally, pipe the vanilla batter så everything is covered.
Bake the cake in the bottom of the oven for about an hour, check with a stick so that the cake is ready. Remove the cake and let it cool.
200 grams of milk chocolate
1/2 cup heavy cream
Chop the chocolate and melt it with the cream in a saucepan. Pour the chocolate mixture into a can and place in the refrigerator. Let it stand there for about an hour.
Then cover the cake with the ganache and spread it out, make it quite plain or patterned, or as you wish. Decorate more if you want.
Set the cake in the refrigerator and let it stand for at least two hours before being cut up.
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