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En god kaka kan verkligen sätta guldkant på tillvaron, eller vad säger ni? I livets alla lägen behöver vi glädjas av lite kakor, när vi är ledsna, när vi är glada, när vi är arga, när vi är besvikna...Ja det finns en kaka för varje tillfälle! Här får ni receptet på en tröst kaka, kanske till en kopp kaffe.
14-16 stycken
3,3 dl vetemjöl
2 dl strösocker
0,8 dl muscovadosocker
1,2 dl jordnötssmör
1 tsk bakpulver
140 gram smör, rumstempererat
1 ägg, rumstempererat
1 tsk vaniljsocker
1 krm salt
0,6 dl nutella
Sätt bakplåtspapper på tre plåtar. Förvärm ugnen till 175° C.
Bland mjöl, bakpulver, salt och vaniljsocker i en skål.
Rör socker och smör mjukt och smidigt. Blanda i jordnötssmöret, rör om ordentligt.
Blanda ner mjölblandingen i smörblandningen, rör om så att det blandas.
Rulla till bollar. Tryck en grop med ett finger i degbollen, sätt cirka en tesked nutella i gropen. Nyp ihop gropen försiktigt, det ska inte komma ut någon nutella. Rulla till degen lite och platta till den, innan den läggs på bakplåtspappret. Sätt dem inte för tätt, de kommer att sprida sig.
Grädda dem mitt i ugnen i 15-18 minuter.
Ta ut kakorna och låt dem svalna på ett galler.
A good cookie can really put a silver lining to life, or what do you say? In all situations in life, we need to enjoy some cookies, when we are sad, when we are happy, when we are angry, when we are disappointed ... Yes, there is a cookie for every occasion! Here you have the recipe for a comforting cookie, maybe to a cup of coffee.
14-16 cookies
1 tsp bakingpowder
140 gram butter, room temperature
1 egg, room temperatrure
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 pinch of salt
1/4 cup Nutella
A good cookie can really put a silver lining to life, or what do you say? In all situations in life, we need to enjoy some cookies, when we are sad, when we are happy, when we are angry, when we are disappointed ... Yes, there is a cookie for every occasion! Here you have the recipe for a comforting cookie, maybe to a cup of coffee.
14-16 cookies
1 1/4 cup & 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
3/4 cup & 4 tsp granulated sugar
1/3 cup muscovado sugar
1/2 cup Peanutbutter
3/4 cup & 4 tsp granulated sugar
1/3 cup muscovado sugar
1/2 cup Peanutbutter
140 gram butter, room temperature
1 egg, room temperatrure
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 pinch of salt
1/4 cup Nutella
Put parchment paper on three plates. Preheat oven to 347° F.
Mix flour, baking powder, salt and vanilla sugar in a bowl.
Stir sugar and butter, soft and supple. Mix in the Peanutbutter, stir well. Mix in the egg.
Stir in the flour mixture into the butter, stir to mix.
Roll the dough into balls. Press a hole with a finger in the dough, way about a teaspoon of Nutella in the hole. Pinch together the hole carefully, it should not come out any Nutella. Roll the dough a little and flatten it, before it is placed on baking paper. Don't put them close because they will spread in the oven.
Bake them in 15-18 minutes in the oven
Remove the cookies and let them cool on a rack.
Mix flour, baking powder, salt and vanilla sugar in a bowl.
Stir sugar and butter, soft and supple. Mix in the Peanutbutter, stir well. Mix in the egg.
Stir in the flour mixture into the butter, stir to mix.
Roll the dough into balls. Press a hole with a finger in the dough, way about a teaspoon of Nutella in the hole. Pinch together the hole carefully, it should not come out any Nutella. Roll the dough a little and flatten it, before it is placed on baking paper. Don't put them close because they will spread in the oven.
Bake them in 15-18 minutes in the oven
Remove the cookies and let them cool on a rack.
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