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En kladdig chocolate chip pumpa tårta med fudge mjölkchoklad toppning, låter inte det bra? En bra kaka att göra om det blir många gäster, eftersom kakan är mäktig behöver man inte skära upp så stora bitar.
3 ägg
4 dl vetemjöl
1,2 dl farin socker
1,8 dl strösocker
2 tsk bakpulver
2 tsk vaniljsocker
4,8 dl fint riven Butternut pumpa
1,6 dl neutral olja
2,4 dl ljusa chokladknappar
1 krm salt
1 krm salt
Förvärm ugnen till 175° C. Klä en form med bakplåtspapper med storleken 23x33 cm.
Vispa äggen och sockret med en elvisp. Häll ner oljan och vispa en stund med vispen.
Blanda de torra ingredienserna i en skål, rör ned pumpan.
Blanda ner mjölblandingen i äggblandningen och rör med en slev så att det blir en jämn smet.
Häll blandningen på bakplåtspappret och bred ut smeten så att det blir jämnt.
Baka mitt i ugnen i cirka 40 minuter. Ta ut och låt kakan svalna.
1,6 dl sötad kondenserad mjölk
200 gram mjölk choklad
Hacka chokladen i mindre bitar, häll den i en kastrull tillsammans med mjölken. Värm försiktigt fram till att chokladen har smält, rör om hela tiden. När all choklad är smält och väl blandat, häll blandningen över kakan. Bred ut över hela kakan. Gör mönster med en kniv, eller dra en sked i cirklar eller vad du känner för.
Låt kakan vila i kylskåpet i cirka två timmar innan den skärs upp.
3 eggs, room temperature
1 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
2/3 cup neutral oil, room temperature
2 cups finely grated Butternut pumpkin
1 pinch salt
Preheat oven to 347 ° F. Line a baking tin with parchment paper, I used a size 13x9 inches.
Beat the eggs and sugar with an electric mixer. Add the oil and whisk for a while with the mixer.
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl, stir in the pumpkin.
Mix the flour mixture in to the egg mixture and stir with a ladle so that it becomes smooth.
Pour the mixture on parchment paper and spread the batter so that it becomes even.
Bake in the middle of the oven for about 40 minutes. Remove and let the cake cool.
2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk
200 gram milk chocolate
Chop the chocolate into small pieces, pour it in a saucepan with the milk. Heat gently until the chocolate is melted, stirring constantly. When all the chocolate is melted and well mixed, pour the mixture over the cake. Spread it all over the cake. Make pattern with a knife, or make circles with a spoon or whatever you feel like.
Let the cake rest in the refrigerator for about two hour before it is cut up.
A gooey Chocolate Chip Pumpkin cake with Fudge Milk Chocolate topping, doesn´t that sound great. This cake is perrfect to make if you are expecting many guests. You can cut the cake in rather small pieces because it is very rich.
Cake3 eggs, room temperature
1 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
2/3 cup neutral oil, room temperature
2 cups finely grated Butternut pumpkin
1 pinch salt
Preheat oven to 347 ° F. Line a baking tin with parchment paper, I used a size 13x9 inches.
Beat the eggs and sugar with an electric mixer. Add the oil and whisk for a while with the mixer.
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl, stir in the pumpkin.
Mix the flour mixture in to the egg mixture and stir with a ladle so that it becomes smooth.
Pour the mixture on parchment paper and spread the batter so that it becomes even.
Bake in the middle of the oven for about 40 minutes. Remove and let the cake cool.
2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk
200 gram milk chocolate
Chop the chocolate into small pieces, pour it in a saucepan with the milk. Heat gently until the chocolate is melted, stirring constantly. When all the chocolate is melted and well mixed, pour the mixture over the cake. Spread it all over the cake. Make pattern with a knife, or make circles with a spoon or whatever you feel like.
Let the cake rest in the refrigerator for about two hour before it is cut up.
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