Nu går vi mot mörkare tider, i alla fall här i norra Sverige och snart kommer det att vara mörkt större delen av dygnet. Vintern med all snö är verkligen inte min favorit årstid. Jag är mer en sommar människa. För att orka med den mörka årstiden behöver vi lite godsaker, en saftig kaka till en kopp te kanske? Här får ni receptet på en kaka som i smaken påminner om både morotskaka och mjuk pepparkaka. Kakan passar både nu under hösten och även som en fin avslutning till julmiddagen.
3 ägg, rumstempererade
2,4 dl ljust muscovadosocker
2,4 dl vetemjöl
0,8 dl hasselnötsmjöl
2 tsk kanel
2 tsk bakpulver
2 tsk vaniljsocker
1 tsk mald ingefära
1 tsk kardemumma
1 krm salt
1 krm salt
3,6 dl fint rivna morötter
1,6 dl neutral olja, rumstempererat
Förvärm ugnen till 200° C. Ta ett bakplåtspapper, jag använde ett med storleken 42x33 cm, börja med att vik upp långsidorna 2,5 cm och vik sedan upp kortsidorna 2,5 cm. Sätt bakplåtspappret på en plåt och se till att de vikta kanterna pekar uppåt.
Vispa äggen och sockret med en elvisp. Häll ner oljan och vispa en stund med vispen.
Blanda de torra ingredienserna i en skål, rör ned morötterna.
Blanda ner mjölblandingen i äggblandningen och rör med en slev så att det blir en jämn smet.
Häll blandningen på bakplåtspappret och bred ut smeten så att det blir jämnt.
Baka mitt i ugnen i cirka 20 minuter. Ta ut och låt kakan svalna.
150 gram smör, rumstempererat
4,8 dl florsocker
3 msk avsvalnat kaffe
3 dl cream cheesse
Vispa smöret och florsockret med en elvisp, så att det blir en len och smidig blandning. Rör i kaffet och vispa så att det blandas. Sist blandas cream cheesen i, vispa så att det blir smidigt.
För över blandningen i en spritspåse med en valfri tyll. Ställ in frostingen i kylskåpet.
2,4 dl hasselnötter
Sätt bakplåtspapper på en plåt. Häll nötterna på bakplåtspappret och rosta dem på 175° C i några minuter, rör om och rosta ytterligare i några minuter.
Ta ut nötterna och låt dem svalna. För över nötterna på en handduk, vik ihop kanterna över nötterna och gnugga bort så mycket som möjligt av skalet. Hacka nötterna i mindre bitar.
Dela kakan i tre delar, mina blev ca 12 cm breda. För över en del på ett fat. Spritsa ut frosting över hela delen. Strö över lite av hasselnötterna på frostningen och sätt på en av kakbottnarna. Upprepa proceduren med frosting och nötter samt en kakbotten. Sprita frosting på toppen och strö de sista av hasselnötterna på.
Låt kakan vila i kylskåpet i cirka en timme innan den skärs upp.
Now we go towards a darker season, at least here in northern Sweden, and soon it will be dark most of the day. The winter with all the snow really is not my favorite season. I'm more of a summer person. To cope with the dark season, we need some goodies, a moist cake with a cup of tea, perhaps? Here you have the recipe for a cake that taste is reminiscent of both carrot cake and soft gingerbread. The cake fits both now in the autumn and also as a nice ending to Christmas dinner.
3 eggs, room temperature
1 cup light muscovado sugar
1 cup cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup hazelnut flour
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp cardamom
1 pinch salt
1 1/2 cup finely grated carrots
2/3 cup neutral oil, room temperature
Preheat oven to 392 ° F. Take a parchment paper, I used a size 16,5x13 inches, begin to fold the long sides 1 inch, and then fold up the short sides 1 inch. Place the parchment paper on a sheet and make sure that the folded edges are pointing upwards.
Beat the eggs and sugar with an electric mixer. Add the oil and whisk for a while with the mixer.
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl, stir in the carrots.
Mix the flour mixture in to the egg mixture and stir with a ladle so that it becomes smooth.
Pour the mixture on parchment paper and spread the batter so that it becomes even.
Bake in the middle of the oven for about 20 minutes. Remove and let the cake cool.
150 grams butter, room temperature
2 cups powdered sugar
3 tbsp cooled coffee
1 1/4 cup cream cheesse
Beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer, so that it becomes a smooth blend. Stir in the coffee and whisk to mix. Add the cream cheese and whip to make it smooth.
Transfer the mixture into a piping bag with an optional tulle. Set the frosting in the refrigerator.
1 cup hazelnuts
Put parchment paper on a baking sheet. Pour nuts on the parchment paper and roast them at 347° F for a few minutes, stir and toast for a few minutes more.
Take out the nuts and allow them to cool. Transfer the nuts to a towel, fold the edges over the nuts and rub off as much as possible of the hazelnut peel. Chop the nuts into small pieces.
Divide the cake into three parts, mine was about 4,7 inches wide. Take a piece of the cake and put it on a plate. Pipe the frosting over the entire part. Sprinkle with a bit of the hazelnuts on the frostning and put a piece of the cake on top of it. Repeat the procedure with the frosting and nuts, as well as a cake bottom. Shelling frosting on top and sprinkle with the remaining of the hazelnuts on. Let the cake rest in the refrigerator for about an hour before it is cut up.
Låt kakan vila i kylskåpet i cirka en timme innan den skärs upp.
Now we go towards a darker season, at least here in northern Sweden, and soon it will be dark most of the day. The winter with all the snow really is not my favorite season. I'm more of a summer person. To cope with the dark season, we need some goodies, a moist cake with a cup of tea, perhaps? Here you have the recipe for a cake that taste is reminiscent of both carrot cake and soft gingerbread. The cake fits both now in the autumn and also as a nice ending to Christmas dinner.
3 eggs, room temperature
1 cup light muscovado sugar
1 cup cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup hazelnut flour
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp cardamom
1 pinch salt
1 1/2 cup finely grated carrots
2/3 cup neutral oil, room temperature
Preheat oven to 392 ° F. Take a parchment paper, I used a size 16,5x13 inches, begin to fold the long sides 1 inch, and then fold up the short sides 1 inch. Place the parchment paper on a sheet and make sure that the folded edges are pointing upwards.
Beat the eggs and sugar with an electric mixer. Add the oil and whisk for a while with the mixer.
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl, stir in the carrots.
Mix the flour mixture in to the egg mixture and stir with a ladle so that it becomes smooth.
Pour the mixture on parchment paper and spread the batter so that it becomes even.
Bake in the middle of the oven for about 20 minutes. Remove and let the cake cool.
150 grams butter, room temperature
2 cups powdered sugar
3 tbsp cooled coffee
1 1/4 cup cream cheesse
Beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer, so that it becomes a smooth blend. Stir in the coffee and whisk to mix. Add the cream cheese and whip to make it smooth.
Transfer the mixture into a piping bag with an optional tulle. Set the frosting in the refrigerator.
1 cup hazelnuts
Put parchment paper on a baking sheet. Pour nuts on the parchment paper and roast them at 347° F for a few minutes, stir and toast for a few minutes more.
Take out the nuts and allow them to cool. Transfer the nuts to a towel, fold the edges over the nuts and rub off as much as possible of the hazelnut peel. Chop the nuts into small pieces.
Divide the cake into three parts, mine was about 4,7 inches wide. Take a piece of the cake and put it on a plate. Pipe the frosting over the entire part. Sprinkle with a bit of the hazelnuts on the frostning and put a piece of the cake on top of it. Repeat the procedure with the frosting and nuts, as well as a cake bottom. Shelling frosting on top and sprinkle with the remaining of the hazelnuts on. Let the cake rest in the refrigerator for about an hour before it is cut up.
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